What Is A Built-Up Roofing System
A built-up roofing system is a roofing material that is typical for use with a low slope design. This roofing system is made up of layers of fabric as well as a bitumen membrane. The built-up roofing style is a preferred choice for many flat roofs because it can produce an extremely strong sealed surface.
BUR roofing is typically made out of a ply sheet as well as various surfacing materials. The sheets are a type of fabric that is produced with organic materials and fiberglass and every sheet is laid down on top of a hot or cold layer of bitumen. The surface materials are a fine gravel or stone which can sit on top of a cool coding to reduce UV radiation and heat.
The Benefits of This System
A built-up roofing system can have an excellent lifespan and some materials can be combined for up to 40 years of long-lasting life in the system. This system also comes with an excellent level of waterproofing, it’s highly resistant to sun damage and it has an ultraviolet level of protection especially with a coating involved.
A built-up roofing system is also extremely low maintenance. With a regular coating every 4 to 6 years you can save an extensive amount of money on your roofing costs.
Energy efficiency is another major benefit of choosing a built-up roofing system. Because of the multiple layers of roofing materials, the energy efficiency on the system is perhaps one of the best for energy efficiency throughout commercial properties.
Getting a built-up roofing system done by a professional is extremely important in making sure that you can get access to the best in built-up roofing. This type of system is always best installed by a professional to make sure that it can be enjoyed for the best level of efficiency and lifespan.
Contact us today if you are in need of a quality built-up roofing system installation.
This post was written by Ted Williams! Ted is the owner of A Old Time Roofing which offers roofing in St Petersburg FL. Ted is a Master Elite Weather Stopper GAF Roofing Contractor, a double award winner of Best Steep-Slope Contractor from GAF and achiever of Master Elite Consumer Protection Excellence from GAF. He has been serving the Pinellas County area since 1978. Old Time Roofing has a tradition of quality workmanship, servicing residential and commercial properties.